October 17, 2008


I just found out today that my friend's mum has just been diagnosed. I'm not sure how serious it is but she has flown back home to be with her family.
They are the most amazing family. They are all hardcore Christians and have given up so much to serve God. Her dad is really ill as well so this must be such a major blow to them.
My friend just said that God's got everything in control and they are trusting in him with everything. I think that is so incredible. In the midst of such devastation they are holding on to God and not blaming him.
I hope that one day when I face a situation like this that my response will be the same.

John 16:33

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

October 16, 2008

Oh and...

My braces come off in APRIL!!!!
That is so much sooner than I expected.
I sure hope she isn't lying.


Today I have been thinking about the following:
- I need to really start getting motivated about uni or I will fail everything. I think I'm on my way to failing one paper. In actual fact I should be writing an essay for tomorrow. It's not happening.

- I have been offered a job at my church as a children's ministry coordinator for next year. I am so excited about it but also very nervous. It is a massive responsibilty but it has been such a God thing I know that it's what I'm meant to do. Eeep.

- Boys are driving me mental at the moment. It seems they go through patches. Well with me they do anyway. When you want someone to be interested in you they aren't and then all of a sudden there are a few of them who are and it just makes life so complicated. I hate it.

- I can't go to the gathering on Saturday because I'm working. It sucks. Hopefully it will still be cranking at about half-past four when I would make it into town. Fingers crossed.

Life is a bit hectic at the moment. Hopefully after exams everything will sort itself out and I will have a clear head again. Hopefully.

October 14, 2008


Naomi did this to me.

Blogging vs. Vlogging

I think I like blogging better. For the following reasons:
Less pressure.
Less viewers.
It's easier to express myself.
It can be shorter.
Takes less time.
I can say what I want to say.

I think part of the reason is that you can't see my face. It's easier to just say it how it is.
I still can't be as open as I would like to be on here. I look at bloggers like Mhazz and Jess and I admire their honesty. They even name people. I just can't. Maybe I could if I had a blog that was untraceable. That won't happen.
You and I can just settle for superficial posts that don't benefit the world in any way.

October 5, 2008

October 1, 2008

Is it just me?

When I sit in front of my laptop I am always afraid that my webcam is on and that the whole world can see me.
This is quite a cause for concern.
What if our inbuilt webcams were constantly filming and sending footage back to the government? I am distressed. Government officials could be watching millions of people pick their nose right now!
This crisis calls for constant vigilance. Be afraid.
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